Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today went to watch and listen about the Flexible Learning Toolbox.
Reminded me very much of activities that were part of the on-line learning paper I completed.
Lots of ideas to make the learning experience interactive and interesting.
'hot spots' on pictures to highlight areas and pop up info.
Follow-up worksheets to recap work on clipboard.
Picture sequencing - drag into correct order - dialogue box to identify if incorrect/bounce back
to original position.
Video clip used to intro subject/area to then follow through with various activities.
Link included to other sites.
Vocabulary check/ work find / crossword type of activity.
Multiple attempt assessments..
Discussion board - useful for students who wanted more involvement/feedback/ ideas
Course Genie - able to convert word into html pages /converts ppt to view photos/pictures all at once.
Hot potatos -  true/false, drag and drop activities...
Other options discussed
picture questions with options for answers.. importance for student not having to scroll down page to read all options, need to limit list within frame 
Ability to randomize answers within questions and order of questions.... students can sit test at same time but questions all in different order.
looking at making poster - steps/sequence of performing tasks - pictures done in photoshop

Makes me all the more motivated to get my ideas into action! :)

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